Great :D
That's really great ! I love your instrument choice :D YOu really made some significient progress on that aspect of music :D The only thing I don't like about it is your transition from the intro to the flute and from the flute to the main melody. Also, In your main melody, You might want to give that background synth a little more variation. I'm not saying to make it like a new melody but only to make it so that it doesn't always have that same note sound but you have to know that's it's already a lot damn good as it is xD Overall great job :D
If you were aiming to make a song that was melodic, you succeded :D It may be simple but I can tell you that's it's really good :D Sure it doesn't stand out but I personnaly think It's great :D I'm also pretty jealous xD I think you just surpassed me xD You're a lot better at making melody than I am plus you learn at a faster rate than I do (might be because I'm not spending too much time on FL, I don't really go on it that often. It has been a shit load of time since I haven't tried to produce anything (might also be because I'm spending too much time on StepMania but hey ^^))
P.S.: Can you send me the .flp xD I would like to see what you did :D